Grokus backyard monsters
Grokus backyard monsters

is the sixth highest damaging monster (excluding champions), behind Eye-ra, Balthazar (against monsters), Sabnox (against towers), King Wormzer, and Project X. can stand for many other things, such as 'Destroy All Visible Enemies', 'Destructive Armored Valuable Entity', 'Dangerous And Very Expensive', 'Destroys Anything Very Efficiently', "Destructive And Very Evil" etc. It's named after the creator of the game, David Scott.It seemed similar to the ones used at Battle Pirates, one of KIXEYE's games. D.A.V.E.'s rockets used to be an orange-yellow like balls of fire (like the ones Teratorn shoots), but now they have their own dedicated rocket sprite.At level 3, Rockets can even beat the range of a Cannon Tower (level 1-6) provided it has no boost due to outpost height (25m altitude Outposts and Main Yards for example). At level 2, Rockets has more range than Laser Towers, meaning that D.A.V.E can destroy them without taking any damage (excluding Laser Towers with Outpost tower range bonuses). deals 1500 damage so each rocket he shoots deals 750). Each rocket does 50% of D.A.V.E.'s normal damage (for example, a level 2 D.A.V.E. to shoot 2 rockets, giving him ranged attacks that are capable of attacking buildings from a distance and hitting flying monsters. An alternate way is to fill bunkers with octo-oozes or pokey, which are famous for stalling raged attacks.D.A.V.E.'s ability is called Rockets. Instead, spread out yards to gain some advantage of gaining the ability to stall raged attacks, allowing towers to kill them. To beat the invasion, one must not use a box yard, otherwise they would get thrashed mercilessly.

grokus backyard monsters

Usually, it takes more than 30 seconds for the rage to end. They are invulnerable to tower, champion monster and bunkered monster attacks and will only take damage once the enrage has worn off. Note: Enraged monsters have boosted movement speed and stats and no health bar listed, and as such cannot be killed. The slideshow is showing all the annunciations that appeared during the Wild Monster Invasion 2, including messages, that appear when you finish some waves. It is known that the leader of the Inferno army, Moloch, was the unknown monster named in one of the Wild Monster Invasion 2 annunciations. Soon after the Wild Monster Invasion 2 has ended, the new Inferno event was confirmed by Kixeye. It presented many new monsters, including Spurtz, Zagnoid, and Sabnox that were previously seen in Wild Monster Invasion 1. You can use this method to beat the invasion (though this has only been observed on Facebook).

grokus backyard monsters grokus backyard monsters

If you click fast enough, the very last wave of wild monsters you killed will attack you. It is only visible if you just opened your account or if you had just finished killing monsters baited with the Monster Baiter. Though this event is now over, the next wave symbol will still be present above the building bar. The Wild Monster Invasion 2 was announced on December 8th, and began on December 15th, 2011. Similar to Wild Monster Invasion 1, it consist of 30 waves and 2 additional bonus waves of enemy monsters. This invasion is the second large-scale wild monster invasion ever hosted in Backyard Monsters.

grokus backyard monsters

Armies of never-before-seen Wild Monsters have been spotted near your base, and it looks like they're headed right for you. " Something strange is afoot in the Backyard. Backyard Monsters: Inferno came right after.

Grokus backyard monsters